Fernanda Ly | 6ixty8ight | Feb 2018

About Fernanda
Which part of Australia are you from?
Sunny Sydney.
Describe your style in 3 words
Ultimately for comfort.
Do you have a secret talent?
I can sleep anywhere and everywhere, but on the flip side, can survive with very minimal sleep also.
Who is your style icon & why?
Yuka Mannami; she has an amazing vintage wardrobe and everything is so long and flowy. My own style is somewhat similar, but downgraded and 50% of it is also very boyish.
How many languages do you speak?
Fluently, English; conversationally, two (Cantonese and Japanese). I tried studying Mandarin, but it was too confusing for me to differentiate it between Cantonese as it always sounded wrong in my head, so I have given up for the moment. I'm currently trying to teach myself Korean! It's going okay.

Her Beauty Secrets
Best secret hair care routine and products?
Not so much a secret, but anyone with coloured hair (especially long) shouldn't wash their hair all that often. Olaplex is also the main reason I even have hair.
Best Hair colorist?
Ashleigh and Renya at Valonz in Sydney Australia. They're my favourite in the world!
What would be the next hair color you would change to?
I say this often, but I want dark blue or black hair. It has been a loooong time since i was dark haired.
What hair color would you never do?
I don't think I would look any good in neon green.
Best face mask?
Leaders Insolution's 'VIta Bright' has been my favourite for years!
What’s one thing you always bring with you?
Lipbalm - I have very peely lips.

Her Style
What do you spend the most on? Clothes, Accessories, Underwear, or anything else?
Definitely shoes. I have too many, but I still buy more.
If you could only wear one colour for the rest of your life, which colour would it be?
Either navy or maroon. Besides all the monochrome in my closet, those are the next most populous.
What item of clothing can’t you live without?
In terms of necessities it is socks, otherwise long sleeved shirts because I'm weird about showing my arms.

Why we love her?
Dream travel destination?
I want to ride a bike along the Amsterdam rivers or wander around Moscow.
Have you ever been to Hong Kong/Taiwan/S. Korea/China? What was your most memorable memory from there?
Hong Kong and Guangzhou + Beijing in China. I want to eventually visit everywhere in Asia, but so far my favourite is Hong Kong during the new year.
What’s your favourite animal?
Aside from my own dog (yellow labrador named Tong Tong/湯湯), I really like cows and elephants... which are essentially big dogs. Though I like all animals.
What do you do on your day off?
Generally sleep, video call friends, self study or read.
What video game are you currently playing?
Fire Emblem Warriors on the Nintendo Switch and always Love Live! School Idol Festival! on my phone.
You are a new addition to a crayon box. What color would you be and why?
The brightest, sunny coloured yellow. My favourite colour! But perhaps the label would be pink?
If you could choose another career, what would you be doing instead?
Something that benefits others in a positive manner.
Have you ever considered acting?
I have, but I'm still quite undecided on it. It seems fun and I'm sure the skills are transferable, though I don't know if I would be any good at it.
What is your favorite food/cuisine?
Food wise, soup; cuisine, Chinese. There's a reason why my dog is named soup in Chinese.
Advice for your younger self?
It's useless to worry unnecessarily - everything will eventually work itself out.

For high resolution images, go to the archive page.
Fernanda Ly | 6ixty8ight | Feb 2018
Reviewed by TheFashFleek

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